British Values
Living in Britain Today
Britain is a culturally rich and diverse place. At King’s Hedges Primary School we have children and adults working together, from different faith groups, or none, as well as from a huge variety of communities and backgrounds. We are an inclusive school and enjoy this diversity, celebrating with the children similarity and difference. We want all our pupils to be ready to engage in our multicultural and vibrant world as responsible citizens. This starts with working and playing together and upholding commonly agreed rules which promote the well-being and high achievement for all.
What Are British Values?
Within school we teach and uphold ‘British values’ as defined by the Department for Education:
- mutual respect
- tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
- individual liberty
- democracy
- the rule of law
(Prevent Strategy 2011)
These values are, of course, upheld by many different communities around the world. We will actively challenge pupils, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to British values, including ‘extremist’ views.
Promoting British Values
We promote these values through our own school aims and values, school curriculum and enrichment opportunities. The values link to the articles written in the UNICEF Convention of Rights of the Child. ( )
'Leaders have made preparing pupils for life in modern Britain a priority. For example, the school holds elections for membership of the school council. Members are required to report back to their class on the improvements they are making around the school. Recently, following a pupil survey, additional bins have been installed and a perimeter hedge replaced to make pupils feel safer.' OFSTED 2019
British Values
Excellence achieved through care, creativity and challenge.
To teach pupils the values that the government believe are important for living in a diverse and changing modern world. The values are respect for the rule of law, individual liberty, democracy, and mutual respect for and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.
The school aims to teach and model tolerance and respect for individuals and communities. In addition, we make opportunities for practical working of democracy as classes prepare their own class rules and from Year 2, pupils vote with consideration, for school council representatives. Individuality is and relationships within every aspect our pupils’ school day, through interaction, assemblies, play and classroom learning. Teachers and staff work to embed a strong social and moral foundation that supports pupils and their families. Our catchment demographic is a wide-ranging mix of background, cultures and heritages. Where possible, we celebrate difference and respect the different faith groups, being sensitive to different viewpoints in subjects such as PSHE and through P4C. All staff work challenge any noticeable discrimination of protected characteristics; model and rephrase to more suitable vocabulary where necessary; seek support; and record incidents.
Pupils thrive in our diverse community and recognise that it is enriched through the diversity and difference, which it reflects. Pupils work well together and listen to each other’s viewpoints. They understand the importance of equality of opportunity and call out stereotypes or bias. Pupils know that being tolerant and respectful of others, promotes healthy relationships, well-being and happiness. Pupils are able to recognise and describe meaningful, proud connections and relationships within and beyond their wider communities, which help them develop a safe sense of self, which they are able to take with them in their next educational steps; pupils recognise that inclusivity, and actively tolerating others, as part of their character education, manifests positive educational and social outcomes.
Enrichment opportunities to enhance lessons include the many free clubs we offer, P4C, After School Club and Breakfast Club. A group of Year 5 pupils attend a Diversity and Inclusion group and benefit from the enrichment gained by socialising and taking part in activities with a diverse mix older pupils from markedly-different backgrounds; the school invites parents in to share stories and experiences; the school choir performs for a range of audiences; the school has strong links with the local Anglican church; guests speakers/authors are invited in for assemblies and small-group work; Year 5 and 6 pupils have the opportunity go on our School Journey to a working farm, with places equitably funded.
Article 12
Every child has the right to have a say in all matters affecting them, and to have their views taken seriously.
The rule of law
Article 13
Every child must be free to say what they think and to seek and receive all kinds of information, as long as it is within the law.
Individual liberty
Article 14
Every child has the right to think and believe what they want and to practise their religion, as long as they are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights. Governments must respect the rights of parents to give their children information about this right.