01223 518330

Northfield Avenue, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB4 2HU


King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.

King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.

Out of School Care

To make bookings or payments for Breakfast Club, After School Club & Friday Club, Please download the Arbor Parent Portal 

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is available to all children attending King's Hedges Educational Federation. It is open from 7.15am Mon-Fri during term-time. A registration form is required to be completed prior to starting and you will also need to book the sessions you require on Arbor. Breakfast is included in the price until 8.10am daily.

Each session is charged at £2.50 per child.


After School Club

After School Club is available to all children from Reception to Year 6 attending King's Hedges Educational Federation. It is open from the end of the school day until 5.45pm Mon-Fri during term-time only. A registration form is required to be completed, along with booking your required sessions on Arbor.  Please provide at least 48 hours notice for bookings or cancellations due to staffing levels, you will be charged for cancellations at short notice. You will not be charged if your child is absent through sickness. Please inform the school office if your child will not be attending school through sickness as soon as possible on the day of illness.

Charges are:

Until 4pm (no snack) - £5.50

Until 5pm - £6.50

Until 5.45pm - £8.50

Each session you book will require payment before processing.



Friday Club

Friday Club is available to working families, or those parents/carers who are in full-time education. Proof of this is required at registration. Please be advised that you need the Friday Club Registration Form in order for your child to attend this provision. The cost of each session is £2.50 per child, and starts at 1.30pm every Friday during term time until 3.20pm. Please be advised that payment for Friday Club is required up-front at the start of each half-term to secure your child's place. This can be done through Arbor. There is no need to provide notice of cancellation 48 hours in advance, as the booking is paid for the whole term up front.  

After School Club charges apply if you require childcare to continue after this time.  


 'The breakfast club reflects the nurturing environment of the school. Those who attend are well prepared for lessons and happily embark on the school day. Pupils benefit from excellent resources to make good use of their time, including an outdoor play area with climbing frames and a den.'


Childcare vouchers are accepted.



Useful links:

Registration form for Breakfast Club and After School Club (Click here)

Registration form for Friday Club (click here)