01223 518330

Northfield Avenue, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB4 2HU


King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.

King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.

Junior Leadership Team

'Pupils readily take responsibility within their school community. They serve as peer mediators, school councillors and house leaders. Pupils also recognise where the school can be improved. Knowing that their views will be taken seriously, pupils put forward new ideas and work with staff to make the school better. For example, pupils create and run clubs for their peers at lunch.'


KHEF is proud to introduce this year's Junior Leadership Team. 


These successful candidates have demonstrated that they have the skills and knowledge required for such an important role by completing applications and undergoing an interview process.


The Junior Leadership Team is responsible for monitoring high quality education across the school and supporting the staff leadership team in their duties. They have devised an action plan based on identified priorities which is linked to the school improvement plan and, so far, they have conducted a learning environment check, worked alongside the history lead to collate pupils' opinions, met with the governors to discuss the curriculum and continue to help the school promote good attendance through weekly announcements. 


The feedback from their learning environment check to teachers is as follows:



'Well done on creating an environment which is suitable for pupils’ needs and includes attendance prompts, celebrating pupils’ work like star writer, the school’s vision poster, and the promotion of pro-social behaviours. The consistency between classrooms helps teachers know what they need and helps build a safe environment between classes and throughout the school. When pupils move up years, they feel like they know where stuff is which helps them feel safe and comfortable. It can feel like they are in the same classroom. The pupils really appreciate the effort that goes into the learning environments.


As a whole school development, we wonder if the ‘What has stuck with you so far?’ could be used more consistently relating to work completed at the beginning of themes (revising previously learnt knowledge that is relevant?)'

In February, the Junior Leadership Team prepared an assembly to share with pupils. It was all about safety and how pupils learn to keep themselves safe. Despite some nerves, they did a fantastic job!