Kings Hedges School Travel Plan
At King’s Hedges we are keen to promote safe and healthy travel to and from school for all pupils. We like our pupils to think about these things themselves and become involved in discussing issues that are involved with travel.
We provide many safe spaces to park and lock bicycles and scooters, for staff and pupils.
Observations by pupils, show that parking outside of the school can often be dangerous and with disregard for our pupils’ safety.
Our curriculum allows us to teach about healthy patterns of exercise, good time management and the importance of breakfast to start the day. In addition, we explore the need to have fresh air and time outside alongside the enjoyment that can be had when you walk to school, knowing that you have a safe route to school.
Each year, we do a ‘hands up survey’ with pupils to see how they usually travel to school. We now have 7 year’s worth of results. What could you do to improve the way your child travels to school?
Data over time: 2015/16 until 2023/24
Over the last 9 years, we can see a drop in use of cars to travel to school and a growing interest in cycling. Walking remains a priority, so we will continue to promote ‘walk to school week’ at school.
Please watch our short video on safer parking
See some of our work on safer travel and issues around travel
Please click here to view the Take 5 map.
Please click here to take a look at the 'Way 2 Go Spring 2024' leaflet