At King's Hedges Educational Federation we believe that English is vital in enabling our pupils to communicate effectively and access all curriculum areas. We therefore have a focused and structured approach to our English curriculum to ensure that children are equipped with the skills they need.
Please click on the links to the left for more information on the English Curriculum.
'Leaders have worked hard to improve handwriting and presentation across the school. Consequently, pupils are proud of their work. As a result of consistent and systematic teaching, pupils quickly develop a fluent joined handwriting style. Reading is taught well, and most pupils have access to an inspiring range of high quality texts. Phonics is taught systematically, resulting in consistent improvements in the proportion of pupils who achieved the national Year 1 phonics screening check over the last four years. Standards are now in line with the national average and pupils are increasingly using phonic strategies to decode unfamiliar words independently.' OFSTED 2019