01223 518330

Northfield Avenue, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB4 2HU


King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.

King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.


"Typically, pupils make good progress in mathematical calculation. This is because they are taught a systematic approach which is used across all classes and year groups. This approach includes a method of self-checking results which improves accuracy and pupils’ confidence in mathematics.”





Excellence achieved through care, creativity and challenge.


Our curriculum design ensures our pupils achieve mathematical fluency; are able to problem solve; and can explain how they know their answers. They are able to apply their maths’ knowledge in real life contexts. Pupils will regularly demonstrate mathematical reasoning, as research identifies these skills will support deep and sustainable learning and enable pupils to make connections in mathematics.


Our progressive curriculum is separated into two parts: number work (NW) – this covers number and place value, calculations, fractions, decimals and percentages, ratio and proportion and algebra. Shape, space and measure (SSM)- this covers measurement, geometry and statistics. We refer to these elements as our purple threads which are interleaved with different concepts covered within each session.  Our curriculum is designed in this way to enable regular review and revisiting of concepts to aid long-term recall. This also establishes a strong foundation of learning which supports pupils where English is an additional language and for vulnerable pupils who are both a significant proportion of our catchment demography.  

Mathematics is taught in short manageable sessions across the week. Each session is split into two parts with the first being teacher led to revisit and model. Prior number knowledge is the key focus during this which is then built upon each day/week enabling new knowledge to be connected with existing knowledge. Teachers carefully sequence knowledge into manageable progressive chunks so that pupils make progress and are not cognitively overloaded. The teacher uses ‘my turn, together, your turn’ to model concepts. Assessment for learning is fundamental to determine next steps. During the second section, the children apply their knowledge in an independent task, practising what they have learnt. The sequence of learning builds across a number of days before moving on to a different concept so that the children gain a breadth and depth of knowledge.

Formal calculations are taught systematically following a logical progression across the school. Pupils are taught one clear method (using pictorial first and moving onto abstract concepts). This ensures efficiency and speed when calculating and reduces cognitive overload of multiple methods. Pupils are exposed to a range of methods when appropriate.

Shape, space and measure is also taught systematically through real life context. Teachers adapt the White Rose small steps resource to meet the needs of the pupils.

Across all mathematics lessons teachers emphasis and model subject specific vocabulary. This is well planned and sequenced for each year group. Opportunities for pupils to reason and justify their thinking are planned within each maths session and across the curriculum.  Once a month pupils take part in a problem solving and reasoning investigation where they are explicitly taught problem solving skills and given an opportunity to apply their learning in a different context.


Assessment for learning is embedded within each session so that teachers can assess that pupils have learnt more and remembered more. Pupils complete weekly low stakes quizzes, utilise online platforms and other assessment for learning strategies are used to help guide the teachers in their planning. Pupils complete assessment checkpoints three times per year so that teachers can assess their progress. End of key stage assessments are used to celebrate achievements. Our ultimate aim is that children achieve their full potential by the end of year 6 to be prepared for their next stage of education.


A group of Year 6 pupils attend an enrichment group to further develop their mathematical knowledge. Children from different year groups take part in competitions to demonstrate their problem solving and reasoning knowledge. Times Tables Rock Stars is used to motivate and enhance our pupils’ learning of their times table which we believe is a vital skill.  Numbots is used to help improve pupils’ rapid recall of number facts.