Helping your Child at Home
- Telling the time
- Counting money
- Shape spotting
- Measuring ingredients
- Using left and right
Home Learning Projects
There is always a maths-based activity on the home learning projects each term. This is a great way to talk to your child and find out what they know about maths and what they have been learning. Please use our calculation policies to support your child when using a method.
Click on the following link for more detailed information regarding our calculation policies:
Numbots/ Times Table Rockstars
Early Years and Key stage 1 children have log in details to access Numbots. This is an online application which supports children with understanding number and calculation. Rusty will send your child a certificate on completion of a level!
In Key Stage 2, children progress onto Time Table Rockstars. This application tests the pupils on their knowledge of multiplication facts up to 12 x 12. Children earn coins to upgrade their rockstar and earn certificates based upon speed and coin collections.
Both games can be played at home with adult supervision.