01223 518330

Northfield Avenue, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB4 2HU


King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.

King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.

Year 4 Music

Year 4 - Pitched Notation

In Year 4, we extended our learning of duration notation in Year 3 to also show the pitch of the note:

We firstly spent some time learning how to read and draw the line and space notes.  Once we had mastered this, we combined our knowledge of drawing notes of different duration on the stave with our new learning about pitch.

We then went on to tackle some more challenging combinations of notes, where the beam at the top has to be drawn on a diagonal or we have to adapt the length of the stems to make a group of notes work on the stave.

Once we had the hang of recording pitch and duration on the stave, we attempted to write our own compositions, showcasing all of our skills and knowledge.  Some pupils used additional things they’d learnt outside of school to take their composition to the next level.

Y4 Ocarina Playing

In Y4, we have started to learn the ocarina, which is an exciting new challenge for this year group.  We are having to work very hard to control our breathing and to move fluently between the different notes.

Lots of the pupils ask about getting their own ocarina for home.  There is no pressure to do this, but the type we use in school are from ‘Ocarina Workshop’ and are a ‘4-hole ocarina’ and can be bought online from most general online retailers and music shops.

Group 1 Ocarina - Down and Up

Group 2 Ocarina - Ladder Song


Y4 Singing

We’ve had a lot of fun learning the song ‘Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machine.’

Group 1 Magnificent Men

Group 2 Magnificent Men

Student Special Interest

We were really pleased to have one of our Y4 students bring in a Ukrainian instrument for us to hear.  (Especially relevant as it’s a woodwind instrument and uses some of the same skills as the ocarina.) The instrument is known as a ‘Cопiлка’ and looks a bit like this:

Y4 Student playing the ‘Cопiлка’
